

​​​Our Fall Luncheon and Annual Meeting is typically held the Saturday before Thanksgiving so that we may celebrate the First Thanksgiving with our Mayflower cousins.

However, this year we'll meet at the Makray Memorial Golf Club in Barrington, Ilinois, on Saturday, November 16, 2024.

We conduct Society business at this brief meeting and will be voting on the nominated Slate of Officers found in your latest newsletter. Newly approved and finalized members will be also be installed through a welcome ceremony.

All members are invited to attend, along with their guests and children. Prospective members who have started the official membership process are also welcome. 

Invitations will be sent via postal mail to members about three weeks before the meeting and reservations are required. 

New york Mayflower society - annual debutante ball 

Held in early november each year

​The University Club of New York

One West 54th Street

New York, NY 

Illinois Mayflower Society


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Makray Memorial Golf Club

Barrington, Illinois

The ​New York Mayflower Society’s Annual Debutante Ball is held in early November each year in New York City.

All members of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and their friends and family are invited to attend, as well as all former debutantes and their families, as we celebrate the presentation of this year’s debutantes.

All Mayflower Society Members may sponsor the presentation of a debutante who is a bloodline female descendant between the ages of 18-24. Most debutantes are presented in their first year of college.

Please contact the New York Mayflower Society for more information, or to sponsor a debutante.